A thorn in my flesh,
It hurts every day.
The more I want to walk away,
The more it gets in the way.
A constant reminder of my past,
The stuffs I did, the mistakes I made.

So deep, it now touches the bone,
I can take it out, and move on.
But, it could kill me to remove the thorn,
From the extreme agony and blood loss.
Not even sure, if I want to part from it,
After all it’s a part of me now.

Everyday I fight this battle, from dusk till dawn,
Should I learn to live with the thorn,
Piercing the body every waking minute?
Or, risk my life and test my spirit,
Pull it out, and set myself free?

You can’t live with it, you can’t live without.
What will you do with the thorn in your flesh?


## Are there some memories in your life which are really difficult to remember, but at the same time are linked to something good as well? ##