I was alright, as I laid asleep,
Then suddenly the wound ripped,
And it started to bleed,
First the body dripped in blood,
Then the pillow, then the sheet.I was in writhing in pain so much,
Tried, I couldn’t even scream,
The blood started spilling; drop-by-drop-by-drop,
Every ounce wanted to ooze out of my frame.
I were to drown in my own pool of blood.
And my bed was to become my own grave.I struggled like a slayed lamb,
But I could barely lift my hand,
In fear I didn’t even dared to cry,
I knew only blood were to come out of my eyes,
There was more blood over me, than left inside,
I had started tasting crimson, by now,
I knew I wasn’t going to survive.My will to live, had lost to my dead bodily fluid,
So I succumbed, accepted my defeat,
A thought ran through the mind : This Is It.
If I were to be killed my own blood,
Then let it be.
And suddenly it wasn’t so painful anymore,
I closed my eyes, and it was liberating.
“Guy Killed By Red”,
I couldn’t have hoped for a death more exciting.And then I woke up, and realized I was just dreamin’,
And instead of blood, it was sweat, I was drownin’ in.
Relieved I got up and stormed to the basin,
I splashed water on my face,
And took a huge sigh of relief,
Then in the mirror, suddenly I noticed,
The wound had ripped.
And it had started to bleed.~RavS
## This poem was written after an actual nightmare. While it wasn’t as dramatic as I have tried to portray here, or even related to blood or dying, it was nightmarish enough to keep me awake and disturbed for several hours. People often wish “sweet dreams”. I only experience the weird or disturbing. ##