When I go...

When I go… I hope you remember the moments we spent, And regret the moments we couldn’t. I hope you wish I could stay a little longer, But know in your heart that it’s not possible. I hope your heart aches for the sorrow, Of knowing I won’t be here with you, tomorrow. I hope your eyes shed a tear or two, When I have to finally bid adieu. … And till that time comes, I promise, I won’t go, I won’t go. ...

October 30, 2013  · #141

Toast of My Life

At one point you were the toast of my life, We were to live together, together we were to die. But as it happens, life took you away from life, It felt my arteries were getting sliced off by a knife. And then you moved on somewhere, Only sometimes I called your number. You had made new pals there, Me, You forgot to remember. But I can’t really blame you, You were scaling new highs. And I felt jealous and lonely, As I fought just so as to survive. ...

August 29, 2013  · #137

पर तुम नहीं

यूं तो बरकत भी है और शोहरत भी, साथ कुदरत भी है, ‘उसकी’ मेहरत भी , यूं तो है चार पल की फुर्सत भी, पर तुम नहीं, पर तुम नहीं… यूं तो ज़िन्दगी भी है और साँसे भी, कहने को मंजिलें भी हैं और राहें भी, यूं तो बारिशें भी हैं और पनाहें भी , पर तुम नहीं, पर तुम नहीं… यूं तो ख़ुशी भी है और हंसी भी, दिकत्तों की नहीं कोई कमी भी, यूं तो मैं कल भी था यहीं, और आज भी, पर तुम नहीं, पर तुम नहीं… ...

January 18, 2013  · #112


शुक्र मना जो तू मिलने से पहले बिछड़ गया, मिलकर बिछड़ने को कहता, तो अंजाम बहुत बुरा होता। ~रबी [ Praise the lord, that you got separated even before we met, If you would have asked for separation afterwards, consequences would have been very bad. ]

December 13, 2012  · #106


तो क्या हुआ, जो तुम आज इतने बदल गए, तो क्या हुआ, जो तुम बहुत दूर निकल गए, मेरी यादों की सलाखें बहुत मजबूत है, परख़ लो, नामुमकिन है, जो तुम्हें यहाँ से ज़मानत मिल पाए। ~रबी [ So what, if you have changed a lot, So what, if you have gone so far, The bars of my memories are very strong, It’s impossible, that you can bail out from here. ] ...

December 11, 2012  · #105


जो नाम मुझमें शामिल था, वो नाम कहीं दूर निकल गया। जिस नाम से साँसे चलती थी, वो नाम अब कातिल बन गया। जिस नाम पर लगते थे जलसे मेरे शहर में, उस नाम पर कोलाहल मच गया। जो नाम पहुंचा था साहिल से शिखर तक, वो नाम आज धू-मिल गया। ~रबी [ The name which was inside me, That name has gone far away. The name for which I used to breathe, That name has become a killer today. ...

July 18, 2012  · #79

I Am Alive

And tomorrow, if you hear that your friend has died, Don’t believe what the world says, they are true lies, I may not be with you tonight, but… Believe in me and my 9 words… “I am Alive, I am Alive, I am Alive”. ~RavS

July 3, 2012  · #73

My Very Existence

To separate you from myself, Tell me how’s that even possible? But I will do if you insist, Just tell me one thing first, That where do I end and where you begin? When you are the extension of my very existence… ~RavS

May 29, 2012  · #66


आज दिल कर रहा है रोने को, आँसुओं, कुछ देर मुझसे दोस्ती कर लो… ~रबी [ Today this heart wants to cry, Tears, befriend me at least for today… ]

April 12, 2012  · #52


The air is the same, and so is luminosity, The energy is the same, and so is curiosity, But… I can feel something is amiss, Yes.. Yes, it’s your companionship… ~RavS

January 20, 2012  · #19