आसमान में सुराग

सर चढ़े आसमान को सबक सिखाने को, एक पत्थर बड़ी तबियत से उछाला था यारों, मेरे सर पर पड़े उस सबक के निशान देख, वो आसमान आज भी मुझ पर हँसता है। एक नसीहत देता हूँ ना मानो किसी शायर की नसीहत को, आसमान में सुराग ना कभी हुआ है, ना कभी हो ही सकता है। ~रबी [ To teach a lesson to that sky above, I took a stone and threw upwards, That lesson on my forehead, Is still a topic of amusement for it. ...

April 12, 2013  · #126

They Say

They say there is light at the end of the tunnel. But how do I ascertain my tunnel is not circular? They say the dawn is at the horizon, When the night starts getting darker, But what if the dawn has already come for others, Only I cannot see it any further? They say to hold on, because it eventually gets better, But what if I am doomed to go through this forever? What if I am not the destiny’s favorite child after all, What if I am destined to die a dreamer? ...

April 10, 2013  · #125

Cold Freaking Night

As I walked through a long dark tunnel, At the other end I saw a glimmer of light. I started running towards it in hope, That finally now, everything’s going to be alright. It was nothing, but mirage of disappointment, That too in the middle of a cold freaking night. ~RavS

April 4, 2013  · #124


मेरी दिक्कत और उसकी परेशानी में अंतर सिर्फ़ इतना रहा मोहसिन, मेरे पास वक्त ना रहा और वो वक्त का मोहताज़ हो गया… ~रबी [ The only difference between my dilemma and his problem was, That I didn’t have time left with me and he had to beg for time… ]

July 4, 2012  · #74


कौन सी दुनिया में जीते हो फैज़ाबादी ! क्या तुम्हें इतना भी नहीं पता ? अब प्यार^ मांगने से नहीं मिलता , छीनना पड़ता है। ~रबी [ In which world do you live, Oh Faizabadi! Don’t you know even this much? Now, you don’t ask for Love^, you need to snatch it. ^ also applies for jobs, treats, seat in metro, comments on posts, and all things good in life. ] ...

April 23, 2012  · #56


मेरी तकलीफ और तुम्हारी रोहानी में फर्क सिर्फ़ इतना था , मुझे रोज़गार न मिला , तुम बेरोज़गार रह गए। ~रबी [ There was only this much difference between my pain and your discomfort, That I couldn’t find work, and work couldn’t find you. ]

March 8, 2012  · #47

कल  भी  आ  ही  जाएगा

कल - कल करके बहुत जी लिए , चलो आज , आज की बात करते हैं , कल का क्या है , कल तो कल आया था, कल भी आ ही जाएगा … ~रबी [ Enough of living in the hope of ‘someday’, Today, let’s talk about today, What’s there in ‘someday’, Someday came yesterday, it’s gonna come tomorrow as well. ]

February 7, 2012  · #30