Haiku - Life
In chaos, I looked inside. Found myself filled, … with emptiness. ~RavS
In chaos, I looked inside. Found myself filled, … with emptiness. ~RavS
They say there is light at the end of the tunnel. But how do I ascertain my tunnel is not circular? They say the dawn is at the horizon, When the night starts getting darker, But what if the dawn has already come for others, Only I cannot see it any further? They say to hold on, because it eventually gets better, But what if I am doomed to go through this forever? What if I am not the destiny’s favorite child after all, What if I am destined to die a dreamer? ...
As I walked through a long dark tunnel, At the other end I saw a glimmer of light. I started running towards it in hope, That finally now, everything’s going to be alright. It was nothing, but mirage of disappointment, That too in the middle of a cold freaking night. ~RavS
Do not tell me this is wrong and that is right, That She’s inherently nice and He’s estray, For none of us is purely white or entirely black inside, We all are different hues, different shades of grey. ~RavS
जिसे चाहो वो नहीं मिलता, जब चाहो तो नहीं मिलता, मैं चाहूँ जो, नहीं मिलता, और जो चाहूँ सो नहीं मिलता। कहा था तुमने, किसी को भी ज़मीन-ओ-आसमां नहीं मिलता, मुझे तो कहीं भी दोनों का ही निशाँ नहीं मिलता। ~रबी [ Whom you want, you never get, When you want, you never get, If I want, I will never get, And the one that I want, I will never get. ...
I do not ask for the powers to be bestowed, I just want my freedom be given, Where I have the choice to decide and not just orders to obey, Have time to take some breaths and my share of sunshine, If that’s a little too much to ask from them, Then I may have to snatch it from someone. ~RavS
What I do daily is not work, it’s a self inflicted war with self, Between the part which is lazy and the part gone insane, Let me lick my wounds tonight and take some rest, ‘cause tomorrow morning it starts all over again! ~RavS
छिड़क लेता हूँ नमक कभी कभी ख़ुद के ही ज़ख़्मों पर, अब तो दर्द के एहसास में ही जीने का वजूद मिलता है। ~रबी [ I rub salt on my own wounds sometimes, Now, I feel alive only when I shriek in pain. ]
फिर तेरी बातों में वही कशिश नज़र आती है। फिर तेरी आँखों में वही तपिश नज़र आती है। फिर तेरे चेहरे पे वही चमक नज़र आती है। फिर तेरे कदमों में वही खनक नज़र आती है। ….बता मुलाज़िम, आज अपने दर्द कहाँ दफना आया है ? ~रबी [ I can see that attraction in your voice, again. I can see that flame in your eyes, again. I can see that sheen in your face, again. I can see that jingle as you walk, again. ...
जिए तू ज़िन्दगी इतनी शिद्दत से, ख़ुदा करे, तू इतना ख़ुश रहे, ना माचिस ना तेल की जरूरत पड़े, साली दुनिया तेरी ख़ुशी देख कर ही जल मरे। ~रबी [ I wish you live life in such a way, God willing, you remain so happy, so gay, No need of matchsticks or oil anyway, Let the whole world burn out of jealousy. ]