Haiku4U - 20

I think less about You More about Us. Where most of Us is You. ~RavS ## It’s true. I confess. I think more about you in terms of “Us”, than only “You”. The “You” where I don’t exist doesn’t excite me that much. May be I am selfish that way. But here’s another truth. The “Us” that I think of does and will always contain most of “You” only. ## ...

April 20, 2019  · #402

Haiku4U - 19

I don’t feel it sometimes. But it’s there. Love. ~RavS ## If I say I am in love with you 24x7, 365 days, then I would be lying. I don’t feel it sometimes. Instead, I feel anger, frustration. But through all of that, I am always aware, that love hasn’t faded. It’s there. And it will come back. Eventually. ##

April 19, 2019  · #401

Haiku4U - 18

A lot to change in us. But Lot more needs unchanged. ~RavS ## If there is anything that I have realized over the years, it’s that we will have to work doubly hard if we want to live a happy life together. A lot of our habits are totally opposite of each other. If we don’t change a little for each other, we would not be able to sustain. ...

April 18, 2019  · #400

Haiku4U - 17

I wish we competed in loving each other. And I’d win everytime. ~RavS ## I sometimes kinda wish, that we would be in a fierce competition to prove that we love each other, more than each other. And then if we were to compete, I would make sure, I always always win. ##

April 17, 2019  · #399

Haiku4U - 16

May be I’m not worthy. But my love, deserves no one but you. ~RavS ## I have this feeling in my head somewhere that somehow I am not supposed to be the one you should love. I am sorry. But you know what, at the same time, I am so proud (even arrogant) of my love that I would never want anyone else to get it. ##

April 16, 2019  · #398

Haiku4U - 15

Our love is hard My Love. ‘cause it’s supposed to be. ~RavS ## This is an ugly fact that we aren’t going to have an easy Love life. We are going to have differences, and we will have to overcome a lot of difficulties. But I think that would make our love how it’s supposed to be. That would make us special. ##

April 15, 2019  · #397

Haiku4U - 14

Without you, I might survive. But I wanna be alive. ~RavS ## Hearing this may hurt you. But I do believe we can survive without each other. Life never stops for anyone or anything. But who wants to just ‘survive’ in life. I want to feel alive and actually ‘live’ this fickle life. ##

April 14, 2019  · #396

Haiku4U - 13

You’d sleep, And I’d crawl, Beside, behind, all over you. ~RavS ## That’s The Dream actually. You would sleep blissfully and I would sneak into the bed with you. And then we would sleep cuddling each other. The ultimate ecstasy :) ##

April 13, 2019  · #395

Haiku4U - 12

My love Needs yours to be alive. ~RavS ## We can’t quantify how much we love each other. And I am never going to keep a balance sheet of what all things you did for me, and what all I did for you. But this is also a fact, that I can’t take this relationship forward alone. I would need your love, as much and as hard as you possibly can love, to be able to keep the flame of our relationship burning forever. ## ...

April 12, 2019  · #394

Haiku4U - 11

Anger, Ego, Lust, Differences. I’ll kill everything That comes between us. ~RavS ## A lot of things come between us at different times. But to me, you are far important than any of those things. I am not gonna let any of them become a cause of separation between us. ##

April 11, 2019  · #393