When you hurt me, The first organs to stop working fine are not my eyes, I still see you, nor my ears, I still hear you, but my vocal cords, for I can’t speak, and my heart, as I can’t feel. ~RavS ## True story! ##
When you hurt me, The first organs to stop working fine are not my eyes, I still see you, nor my ears, I still hear you, but my vocal cords, for I can’t speak, and my heart, as I can’t feel. ~RavS ## True story! ##
मेरे दिल में क्या छुपा है, मेरे मन में क्या बसा है, अगर वो जान जाता, मेरा ईमान पहचान पाता। जो तकलीफ है उसे मुझसे , जो फसाद है मुझे उससे, शायद मैं बता पाता, शायद वो खुद समझ जाता। ~रबी [ What’s hiding in my heart, why’s residing in my mind, If he would have found out, he would have known my honesty, The pain that I have from him, the quarrel that I have with him, May be I might have told, may be he himself might have understood. ] ...
हम जाएंगे तो तुम आओगे, हम आएंगे तो उठके चले जाओगे, यूँ आने से जाने का सिलसिला कबसे कब तक निभाओगे ? चलो क्यों न ऐसा करें, तुम चाहो तो ये फैसला करें, साँस आएगी जब तुम आओगे। सॉंस जायेगी जब तुम जाओगे। ~रबी [ When I will go, then only you will come; when I will enter, you will walk away, Till when are you going to continue like this? OK, let’s do one thing, You be the judge and the jury for this. My breath will come with you, My breath will go with you. ] ...