जो कागज़ हमने रात भर लहू से भरे थे, वो सुबह तुम्हारे आंसुओं से भीगे पड़े थे। ~रबी [ The pages that I filled my blood whole night, In the morning they were soaked in your tears. ]
जो कागज़ हमने रात भर लहू से भरे थे, वो सुबह तुम्हारे आंसुओं से भीगे पड़े थे। ~रबी [ The pages that I filled my blood whole night, In the morning they were soaked in your tears. ]
I was alright, as I laid asleep, Then suddenly the wound ripped, And it started to bleed, First the body dripped in blood, Then the pillow, then the sheet. I was in writhing in pain so much, Tried, I couldn’t even scream, The blood started spilling; drop-by-drop-by-drop, Every ounce wanted to ooze out of my frame. I were to drown in my own pool of blood. And my bed was to become my own grave. ...