इतना  प्यार  करना  मुझे

ना भी कर पाऊँ बात तुमसे किसी मोड़ पर , तुम मेरी खामोशियाँ तो पहचानती हो न ? कभी रोकना उन्हें, और पूछना उनको, क्यों खामोशियाँ मेरी यूँ बदहवास हैं। क्यों जुबान मेरी लावारिस सी, क्यों आवाज आज बेआवाज है। शायद मेरी खामोशियों में कहीं दबा मिल जाऊँ मैं तुम्हें … ना भी सो पाऊँ मैं कभी रात भर, तुम मेरी बेचैनियाँ तो समझती हो न ? अपने तकिये तले सुला लेना मेरी बेचैनियों को, अपना आँचल ओढ़ा करके रात में। थपकियाँ लगा देना उन्हें , हलकी-हलकी आवाज में। और सोके उठें तो करना जिरह उनसे , क्यों बेचैनियों को चैन नहीं आज है। शायद जो मैं खुद भी नहीं जानता, वो बेचैनियाँ बता जाएँ तुम्हें … ...

July 16, 2019  · #415


डर इस बात का नहीं कि हमें डर लगता है, डर है तो बस कि कहीं हम डरना ना छोड़ दें। डर लगता है अंदर जो सुलगती आग है, डर लगता है कहीं और ना भड़क उठे। खुद घुट कर मर जाएँ तो ज्यादा रंज नहीं, डर लगता है कहीं दुनिया को राख ना कर बैठें। ~रबी [ I don’t fear that I am afraid, I fear that I might stop being afraid. I fear the fire that’s smoldering inside, I fear it might get erupted. I won’t regret if I die choking of it, I fear I might end up burning the world with it. ] ...

December 2, 2014  · #285

Out of sight. Out of mind.

I thought you were an angel, But you turned out to be a fucking human just like everyone else, I thought I was your saviour, But now I realize you already had what you needed. I hope one day the world burns and you burn with it, I hope your skin gets roasted and I get to pour a little more gasoline, You know why you were able to hurt me, More than anybody else could possibly hurt? It’s because I cared about you more than anyone else, And more than anyone else ever could, It’s because I considered you one of my own. I thought the world was a bad bad place, which you needed to be saved from, Now I realize you are a part of it, You yourself have come out of this very heinous world’s womb. ...

November 30, 2014  · #283

Loaf of bread

For each loaf of bread you provide, You add another link in the chain on my thighs, You made me a cripple, I wonder what was it all worth, Wouldn’t it have been better to have starved and died. ~RavS

September 8, 2014  · #245

You have been Warned

You do what you know best, Make me miserable, Keep me tied. Continue stressing me, Till I reach breaking point. Bring out your best weapons, Keep up the torture, until you get tired. It’s my promise, I won’t complain. But remember this… One day it will be my turn, One day I will just snap, One day this volcano will burst. That day I will vent, spew the lava in me, That day you will burn, and burn severely. That day YOU don’t complain. ...

October 24, 2013  · #140


शुक्र मना जो तू मिलने से पहले बिछड़ गया, मिलकर बिछड़ने को कहता, तो अंजाम बहुत बुरा होता। ~रबी [ Praise the lord, that you got separated even before we met, If you would have asked for separation afterwards, consequences would have been very bad. ]

December 13, 2012  · #106

Killed the Humanity

All I seeked everywhere was love, But it seems it has ceased to exist. All I got was hatred, agony and indifferences, Expect no affection in human, it’s a myth. I do not know what to believe in anymore, Ideas, principles, relationships, people, Everything seems to have become a blur, For man might wear fancy clothes, but inside he’s still an animal. I embraced people but they injected pain in me, So I embraced the pain instead and killed the humanity within. ...

November 10, 2012  · #101

ख़ुदा सी कुव्वत

सर झुकाने आया हूँ, सर झुका के जाऊँगा, लहू की प्यास हो ‘गर तुझे, हर कतरा चढ़ा के जाऊँगा, बंदा हूँ मैं जात से, बंदगी फितरत मेरी, है ख़ुदा सी कुव्वत तुझमें, तो आ रोक ले मुझे… ~रबी [ I came here to bow my head, I will do that, If you are thirsty, I will give every drop of my blood, I am a disciple from caste, bowing to you is my habit, If you really have God like ability, come stop me… ] ...

August 15, 2012  · #88

तुझे माफ़ किया

जन्म तूने मुझे दिया, जा तूने मुझे ख़रीद लिया, अब ज़लील कर, तू नीलाम कर, ना परवाह जो अंजाम कर, रहम कर, बस इतना सा परवरदिगार, ज़िन्दगी ना देना अगली बार। जा खुदा… इस बार मैंने तुझे माफ़ किया… ~रबी [ You gave me birth, Yes, now you own me forever, Now insult me or auction me, I don’t care what you do to me, But do a favor, if you can, Don’t give me life next time. ...

June 20, 2012  · #70

आ बरस

ना रहा अब विश्वास, रब्बा तेरे भरोसों पे , ना ही तुझसे कोई आस, तू करेगा कोई तरस, गम के बादल तो छायें हैं बरसों से, है हिम्मत, तो अब आ बरस। ~रबी [ Belief in your trust is broken forever God, No longer do I hope, you will show any pity on me, The clouds of sadness are overhead since ages, Let it rain now, if you have the guts. ] ...

June 19, 2012  · #69