
I wish you suffer a lot. So you know what I feel, So you don’t pity me, So you love me in that pain. Call me selfish, but, I don’t need your sympathy, I want your empathy. If you can. Please. ~RavS ## Slight, but in a way enormous difference between sympathy and empathy. ##

June 12, 2018  · #374

माँ  तुझे  मेरी  याद  तो  आएगी  ना ?

अपना आँचल मेरे सर से हटा कर, कंधे पर रखा ‘बोझ’ बता कर, किसी और को मेरा जिम्मा थमा कर, मुझे भूल तो नहीं जाएगी ना ? माँ तुझे मेरी याद तो आएगी ना ? क्यों बेटियां ही दूर जाती हैं माँ ? उम्र भर साथ नहीं रह सकती मैं, क्यों ना ? बदन तप रहा होगा, या होगा दर्द सर में, तू मुझे अब भी अपना हाल तो बताएगी ना? माँ तुझे मेरी याद तो आएगी ना ? ...

May 16, 2018  · #373

जब तुम आओगी

खुशियाँ तलाशते बहुत दुख दिए हैं तुम्हे, तुम्हारा आँचल भरूंगा अब इन्हीं खुशियों से। मैं जीना थोड़ा भूल सा गया हूँ, जब तुम आओगी न तो अब से जीने लगूँगा। कई रातें काट दी खुली आँखों मे, जगाये रखा मुझे तुम्हारे सपनों ने। तुम्हारे ना मिलने का डर सोने नही देता मुझे, जब तुम आओगी न तो चैन से सोया करूँगा। शिकायत तुम्हें फ़िज़ूल ही रहती है मुझसे, मैं अब भी वही हूँ, जैसा मिला था तुम्हें। सच है, मैं निकला नहीं एक अरसे से बारिश में, जब तुम आओगी न तो जी भरकर भीगा करूँगा। ...

April 30, 2018  · #372

Don't Backstab

I wish today I close my eyes, Not to open it ever again. Let this be my last good night. Lest my dreams would go in vain. Don’t wake me up brother, Let me sleep long enough. I swear, it’s nothing I’m just tired. I just had a day, that’s been rough. I started in search of love, All I got was terms & conditions. Now I am just bitter and cold, To even be myself, I need permission. ...

March 12, 2018  · #371

Happy Valentine Day

I think a lot about the subject of love. Not just the romantic kind, but love of all kinds.. Brotherly, motherly, friendly… There are people who want someone to love them. Someone who can take away their feeling of being ‘lonely’. Someone to take care of them, to talk to them and be a base for their self worth. Then there are some other kind of people, people like yours truly. More than someone to love them, they want someone whom they can love wholeheartedly. They hope their love would be acknowledged and respected, and at least not rejected or ridiculed. ...

February 14, 2018  · #370

Blank Page

I feel a blank page is a person’s best friend. It’s non-judgmental, it’s patient and it’s always there for you. You don’t need to pretend in front of it. You can yell on it, you can cry or you can express your joy. It’s not “busy” or “dealing with its own issues”. It won’t ‘avoid’ you if you cling a bit too much. And it will always have your back (assuming you don’t run out of papers). It won’t hurt you (although paper cuts are a real thing). ...

January 17, 2018  · #369

I Will Write

I will write when you’d asleep, And I will write when you’d be alone. I will write when you’d need me, And I will write when you’d feel bored. I will write when you’d be angry, Or sad, Or low… But I will also write when you’d be playful, Or ecstatic, Or glow… I will write when it’d be difficult to (write), I will write when I won’t know (what to write). I will write when you’d refuse to (read that I write). I will write when I’d miss you (while I write). ...

January 12, 2018  · #368

Close Enough

Umpteen things hurt. Prime among them is the realization that even with same persons ‎and same surrounding, ‎you would never be able to ‎recreate the memories ‎that have been spent and lost forever. But sometimes, close enough is good enough. ~RavS ## A Great start to a great year. Believe. ##

January 2, 2018  · #366

Love by Brute Force

She had springs in her steps, her eyes had glimmer, She wanted to stay back in the present but jump into the future. They called her July, the month she was born. But she loved January, waiting for the page to turn. She knew the next year would be more similar than different, The disappointments would be as high as her expectations. But her heart didn’t accept what her mind believed. She had darkness all around, so hope’s flame she lit. And so she continued, battered and bruised on the Love’s course. Of all the hate of past, she just wanted to Love by Brute Force. ...

January 2, 2018  · #367


प्यारे पापा, कभी कंधे पे खेलती थी आपके, आज कंधे तक आ जाती हूँ। फिर भी कुछ कह देते हो जोर से, मैं अब भी डर जाती हूँ। हो जाता है आपको ज़ुखाम भी , घर सारा सर पे उठा लेती हूँ। कर पाऊं आपकी, कुछ ख्वाहिशें पूरी , थोड़ा बहुत इसलिए कमा लेती हूँ। बेटा तो नहीं मैं आपका, आपने पर, बेटे से कभी खराब ना समझा। आगे भी करने देना मुझे बेटी बन कर , पापा, हर काम जो करता आपका बेटा। ...

October 14, 2017  · #365