Haiku4U - 2

I blinked and you came. Won’t blink again, lest you’ll be gone. ~RavS ## You came in life in a whisker, before I could even finish blinking my eyes. And that’s why I need to be extra careful. The moment I take my eyes off you, someone might come and snatch you away. I won’t rest until I get you. ##

April 2, 2019  · #384

Haiku4U - 1

Old reasons left behind. We find new reasons, to live n’ love. ~RavS ## Some of the reasons for which I started loving you with have been left behind now. Old perceptions are getting broken. But new ones are being made. I see you in new light. More imperfect than I ever thought. But also worth loving more than I ever thought. ##

April 1, 2019  · #383

Li'l Soldier

Do not hold on, Li’l soldier, Let these people go. Your clutches will not stop them, from going, just make it a Li’l slow. The more you resist, Li’l soldier, The more the fights will grow, Eventually they’ll leave, I promise, And you’ll be left with Li’l blisters to show. And what’s even there to stop, Li’l soldier, You can’t stop time, when that time is already gone, You can’t stop from breaking, what’s already broken from storm, And you can’t be Li’l right, now, when you’re already wholly wrong. ...

March 25, 2019  · #382

Haiku - Dream

We’re a dream. We’ve to come true. For me and you and us. ~RavS ## Right now everything is a blur. We don’t know how we are going to make it. But through all these difficulties, there’s a dream. A dream that we have finally found what we both were looking for. That we would be there for each other as we grow old. The Dream that I will take care of you and you will support me, no matter what. This dream is what we live for. This dream is what we have to make true. ## ...

February 11, 2019  · #381


When you hurt me, The first organs to stop working fine are not my eyes, I still see you, nor my ears, I still hear you, but my vocal cords, for I can’t speak, and my heart, as I can’t feel. ~RavS ## True story! ##

January 30, 2019  · #380


When the dust would have settled and the sky lit blue, When the memories have faded but not the vows we took, When you would have left just now, and the time had stalled. I will wait for you, for as long as it takes, in the November’s cold. ~RavS ## Written for a friend on their anniversary :) ##.

November 12, 2018  · #379


You know what emptiness is? Emptiness is sometimes how you define, The longing, the yearning, the endless plight. Emptiness is being numb to the surrounding, Trying to press a thorn in the nerves, To remind yourself of what it means to be alive. Emptiness is being never satisfied, with what you have, always craving more, Trying to surround yourself with what’s outside, but not satiating what you feel inside. ...

October 12, 2018  · #378


वो लफ्ज़ वो तराने, कागज पर लिखे गाने, तुझे हंसाने के बहाने कहीं संभाले हैं ना मेहुल। नाम तेरा सोंधा सा, मेरे होटों पर रुकता, जाते जाते लौट आता, क्यों है ना मेहुल। पानी में तेरी छपकियां, रात सोते मेरी थपकियां, लोरी सुनते सुनते झपकियां, याद आती हैं ना मेहुल। पुलिंदे अपनी तारीफ के, छत के किनारे बैठ के, हर शाम बंधवाना मुझसे, भुलाए नहीं हैं ना मेहुल। वह दिन चले गए, ना रही अब वो रातें, मैं बदल गया साथ मौसम के, तू मगर वही है ना मेहुल। ...

September 11, 2018  · #377

Sugercoated Pills

Aren’t poems just sugarcoated bitter pills from one patient to another. ~RavS ## Poems aren’t for everyone, and its quite evident from how a few people scorn from it. However, there’s another aspect to it. I feel to truly understand a poem you have to be able to ‘feel’ it and to be able to feel a poem you would have to go through a similar experience sometime in your life. ## ...

August 13, 2018  · #376

You Are The Pain

You are the pain, you are the suffering. You will be end now, you were the beginning. The path that leads to you… It’s excruciating, But I chose it myself, I am not complaining. Not just Love, it’s my existence I am fighting for. Everything I am now, it’s you at the core. So when I say, it hurts all the time, you’d know, But the fact it hurts you, hurts me even more. ...

July 16, 2018  · #375