Haiku4U - 17

I wish we competed in loving each other. And I’d win everytime. ~RavS ## I sometimes kinda wish, that we would be in a fierce competition to prove that we love each other, more than each other. And then if we were to compete, I would make sure, I always always win. ##

April 17, 2019  · #399

Haiku4U - 16

May be I’m not worthy. But my love, deserves no one but you. ~RavS ## I have this feeling in my head somewhere that somehow I am not supposed to be the one you should love. I am sorry. But you know what, at the same time, I am so proud (even arrogant) of my love that I would never want anyone else to get it. ##

April 16, 2019  · #398

Haiku4U - 15

Our love is hard My Love. ‘cause it’s supposed to be. ~RavS ## This is an ugly fact that we aren’t going to have an easy Love life. We are going to have differences, and we will have to overcome a lot of difficulties. But I think that would make our love how it’s supposed to be. That would make us special. ##

April 15, 2019  · #397

Haiku4U - 14

Without you, I might survive. But I wanna be alive. ~RavS ## Hearing this may hurt you. But I do believe we can survive without each other. Life never stops for anyone or anything. But who wants to just ‘survive’ in life. I want to feel alive and actually ‘live’ this fickle life. ##

April 14, 2019  · #396

Haiku4U - 13

You’d sleep, And I’d crawl, Beside, behind, all over you. ~RavS ## That’s The Dream actually. You would sleep blissfully and I would sneak into the bed with you. And then we would sleep cuddling each other. The ultimate ecstasy :) ##

April 13, 2019  · #395

Haiku4U - 12

My love Needs yours to be alive. ~RavS ## We can’t quantify how much we love each other. And I am never going to keep a balance sheet of what all things you did for me, and what all I did for you. But this is also a fact, that I can’t take this relationship forward alone. I would need your love, as much and as hard as you possibly can love, to be able to keep the flame of our relationship burning forever. ## ...

April 12, 2019  · #394

Haiku4U - 11

Anger, Ego, Lust, Differences. I’ll kill everything That comes between us. ~RavS ## A lot of things come between us at different times. But to me, you are far important than any of those things. I am not gonna let any of them become a cause of separation between us. ##

April 11, 2019  · #393

Haiku4U - 10

Yesterday was regret. Tomorrow is anxiety. Today we breath together. ~RavS ## It’s gonna remain like this forever. We will regret the mistakes of our pasts. Time lost in fighting, opportunities lost due to misunderstandings. And we will always be anxious of our future. Will we be together always? Will we achieve our dreams? Will we keep each other happy? In all this, I hope we don’t forget to live our ‘todays’. Because every tomorrow slowly keeps becoming today and every today slowly creeps into the oblivion of yesterday. I am afraid we might not be left with ‘today’ one day. ## ...

April 10, 2019  · #392

Haiku4U - 9

As the dawn creeps in, I kiss the petals on your eyes. ~RavS ## Wouldn’t you want to be awoken in the morning by a little kiss on your sleeping eyes ? Don’t lie. Everyone loves that. :) ##

April 9, 2019  · #391

Haiku4U - 8

Don’t let the dreams die. We’ll guard them Till we are alive. ~RavS ## We saw a dream. Together. That was the easy part. The hard part is to protect it when the shrapnel of reality tries to smash that dream. Because no one, Absolutely no one in this world would ever understand what that dream means to us. I can’t protect that dream alone. I need your help. Will you? ## ...

April 8, 2019  · #390