I Will Not Quit

Needed the tears to make me stronger, A little bump on head to make it clearer, I am not a structure of mortar and iron, I am not sissy if I cry, I am just human. A girl. With flesh, bones and emotions, I also get hurt like every other person. Blessed are those who can cry & move on, Some unfortunate ones don’t even have tears to befriend. So, I will cry, I will wail. But that’s just about it. Come hell or high water, I. Will. Not. Quit. ...

July 1, 2012  · #72

My Very Existence

To separate you from myself, Tell me how’s that even possible? But I will do if you insist, Just tell me one thing first, That where do I end and where you begin? When you are the extension of my very existence… ~RavS

May 29, 2012  · #66

... Still Don't Want You To Get Hurt

Enough girl, I have had enough, I just can’t take it anymore, I gave you chances, not once but twice, Now you don’t deserve a third and forth. Hey I never asked you to love me, Heck if I deserve it, I ain’t sure, All I wanted was be respected a li’l, But you behaved as if I was obscure, I tried my best not to hurt you, Doesn’t matter if I got hurt doing so, But you treated me like a dirt-bag, A commodity to pick, use ’n throw, ...

April 20, 2012  · #54

Job Well Done...

As I opened my eyes, the head still pounding, consciousness coming and going, the mouth tasting like vomit, the veins trying to bust into pieces, breath playing hard to catch up, hands paralyzed, legs feeling crippled. As I lay there in pool of own blood and sweat, clothes torn, soiled, hair ruffled, I saw the faces of my fam and friends, the pride in their eyes, the smile on their faces. At that moment, at that very moment, the only noise that was impeding between the ears, was of my own conscience. It was shouting, voice mixed with relief and excitement, “Job well done, Job well done, Job well done”… ...

March 4, 2012  · #46

If We Could Walk Away With Our Memories...

How could you leave me alone. How could you do that to me? I know you wanted to move ahead in your life, But wasn’t I meant to be a big part of it? How do you think will I survive, For you have become the air I breath, the food I eat, Sans you life will feel less, more or less, it will be lifeless. Deep down I knew the day would come, But the urgency of it, I didn’t know. How life changes in a matter of seconds, I don’t have a better proof to show. ...

February 24, 2012  · #41


The air is the same, and so is luminosity, The energy is the same, and so is curiosity, But… I can feel something is amiss, Yes.. Yes, it’s your companionship… ~RavS

January 20, 2012  · #19

I Will Listen

The next time you talk, I will listen. Not just from ears, But from the heart. And process it. Not just from the mind, But from the soul. Till the time you keep talking… I will control the disturbance outside, and shut down the turbulence inside. That impeding noise of hatred, Those heart-wrenching memories of failures, Will all be gone! …till the time you keep talking. When you will speak, There will be only you in the moment, And no one else will be allowed to enter it. All other works will cease to exist, Like they were never there to begin with. ...

January 20, 2012  · #20


Tonight’s the night when I beat the insomnia, No stress, no anxiety, no tension, no mania. Tonight’s the night, when I get the long lost sleep. Tonight’s the night when I rest… In peace. ~RavS

November 25, 2011  · #9

Lady Luck

The body feels fragile and the mind feels weak, The spirits are down, prospects of success seem bleak, Oh! lady luck, if you can hear me somehow, The time for you to smile is now… ~RavS

November 24, 2011  · #8

If only

If only I could inhale you, with every breath I take. If only you could run through my veins, not the blood instead… ~RavS

November 22, 2011  · #6