Cold Freaking Night

As I walked through a long dark tunnel, At the other end I saw a glimmer of light. I started running towards it in hope, That finally now, everything’s going to be alright. It was nothing, but mirage of disappointment, That too in the middle of a cold freaking night. ~RavS

April 4, 2013  · #124

Shades of Grey

Do not tell me this is wrong and that is right, That She’s inherently nice and He’s estray, For none of us is purely white or entirely black inside, We all are different hues, different shades of grey. ~RavS

March 20, 2013  · #122


When you can tell your story, Without that pain, piercing in your belly, What happened with you and what could have been, When the thoughts do not make you angry, When you can smile at your adversity, And forgive the ones who have caused it, When no more do you need to search a place, dark & lonely, Every now and then, to scream. Silently. That day you come back to me, And I will tell you, that you have healed. Finally. ...

February 22, 2013  · #118


I do not ask for the powers to be bestowed, I just want my freedom be given, Where I have the choice to decide and not just orders to obey, Have time to take some breaths and my share of sunshine, If that’s a little too much to ask from them, Then I may have to snatch it from someone. ~RavS

February 21, 2013  · #117

All Over Again

What I do daily is not work, it’s a self inflicted war with self, Between the part which is lazy and the part gone insane, Let me lick my wounds tonight and take some rest, ‘cause tomorrow morning it starts all over again! ~RavS

January 3, 2013  · #109

Killed the Humanity

All I seeked everywhere was love, But it seems it has ceased to exist. All I got was hatred, agony and indifferences, Expect no affection in human, it’s a myth. I do not know what to believe in anymore, Ideas, principles, relationships, people, Everything seems to have become a blur, For man might wear fancy clothes, but inside he’s still an animal. I embraced people but they injected pain in me, So I embraced the pain instead and killed the humanity within. ...

November 10, 2012  · #101


Crisp, composed, clear, that lady, nothing but Haiku. ~RavS

September 12, 2012  · #92

Have You Ever Experienced Pain?

No, not the kind that comes and goes, The one that just stays and refuses to leave, The one that seeps through the skin, slowly pierces the heart and starts dissolving into your soul. The pain that makes you weak, every second, every moment, The pain that increases inch by inch, till you get overwhelmed, The pain that reminds you, I am here. Today, tomorrow, forever. The pain that becomes your very identity. ...

August 4, 2012  · #83

When You Came In Thoughts...

You know I have never met you I tell you, it really sucks But then, I think it gives me a leverage And it’s not bad as such. I can think of you, the hell way I want to, And there is nothing you can do about it, until you come and stop me to do. And it may seem like a joke, but I am not joking, it is true, Whoever are you, I think of you, does it really matter, that I haven’t, like ever, met thou? ...

July 8, 2012  · #76

I Am Alive

And tomorrow, if you hear that your friend has died, Don’t believe what the world says, they are true lies, I may not be with you tonight, but… Believe in me and my 9 words… “I am Alive, I am Alive, I am Alive”. ~RavS

July 3, 2012  · #73