
Morning. She opened her eyes, Glistening with the moisture. Last night. She smiled. Parted with the blanket hugging her. Slowly kept her feet. The cold concrete floor. Tip toing her way. Towards the moor. The sounds from her anklet. Following her, Shrill Shrill Shrull, Shrill Shrull… She was about to cross the door, She remembered something. One thing. She had forgotten from her morning routine, She ran back. The other end of the room, Shrill Shrill Shrill, Shrulll Shrill… And opened the windows. The sunshine came in. ...

April 7, 2014  · #171

Say Something

Leave me gasping for breath, Bring me down to the knees, Move me to tears, Rekindle the ache in my guts, Let me hear your voice once. …Just say something. Anything. ~RavS ## Some voices, they are so beautiful, so soulful, you are almost moved to tears hearing them. A tribute to all my favorite singers and friends with a sweet little voice. ##

February 22, 2014  · #156

Your Happy Birthday

Long ago there was no existence of you, People of the world were happy then too, But their happiness used to be far and few. So God decided to pay his dues, And take the world by storm, He sent you from heaven, you were born. You opened your eyes, you saw the world in pain. It made you sad, you tried again and again, To make the world a better place, It took efforts, lots of it, several decades, But bit by bit, straw by straw you changed lonely faces , Wherever you went you spread happiness, People got happier, The world got better, ...

February 17, 2014  · #155

The Final Good Bye

I dismissed, I prayed, I pleaded, For this day, this time to never come. But it had to eventually, today it finally arrived, It’s time to say the words and be done with, “My friend… For now… Good Bye. ” We can’t hug and cry, of course, That would such a sissy thing to do, (Not to mention ‘gayish’ and awkward too.) So we mask our feelings with a big muffler of smile, But the naked eyes would describe a different sight. ...

February 1, 2014  · #152

How to Write a Poem

As you walk down the memory lanes, Suddenly you hit an epiphany, Brimming, you take out a blank sheet, or a blank screen, And start to scribble little somethings. You write a stanza or three, And then the mind goes blank, You had decided to pour your heart into it, Now, you don’t know what else to yank. You fiddle with the nibble, change ink, change editor, finally get tired of changing, You stare at the blank canvas with rue, And it keeps staring blankly back at you. ...

January 20, 2014  · #151

There was blood.

I was alright, as I laid asleep, Then suddenly the wound ripped, And it started to bleed, First the body dripped in blood, Then the pillow, then the sheet. I was in writhing in pain so much, Tried, I couldn’t even scream, The blood started spilling; drop-by-drop-by-drop, Every ounce wanted to ooze out of my frame. I were to drown in my own pool of blood. And my bed was to become my own grave. ...

January 12, 2014  · #150

Cause no one is coming tonight.

Throw off the dinner, Pull off the blinders, Close the doors and turn off the lights, ‘Cause no one is coming tonight. Lie down and hug yourself, Pull out a pillow and scream for help, Lick your own wounds and put off the fight, ‘Cause no one is coming tonight. Stop praying, No one will hear, Let the showers hide your tears, Quit longing for footsteps outside, ‘Cause no one is coming tonight ...

December 10, 2013  · #144

What will you do with the thorn in your flesh?

A thorn in my flesh, It hurts every day. The more I want to walk away, The more it gets in the way. A constant reminder of my past, The stuffs I did, the mistakes I made. So deep, it now touches the bone, I can take it out, and move on. But, it could kill me to remove the thorn, From the extreme agony and blood loss. Not even sure, if I want to part from it, After all it’s a part of me now. ...

November 12, 2013  · #143

She's an IT girl

She reads bits and bytes like Latin-English alphabets. She deals with IP addresses like elementary school mathematics. She brushes her teeth with 7 layers of OSI. And, combs her hair with broken passwords of her neighbors’ WiFi. Workstation in one hand, GPS in her locket, Not forgetting the rooted droid in her pocket, She doesn’t need to drink n’ smoke to get her daily fix, Work is her alcohol, she’s a workaholic. ...

November 10, 2013  · #142

When I go...

When I go… I hope you remember the moments we spent, And regret the moments we couldn’t. I hope you wish I could stay a little longer, But know in your heart that it’s not possible. I hope your heart aches for the sorrow, Of knowing I won’t be here with you, tomorrow. I hope your eyes shed a tear or two, When I have to finally bid adieu. … And till that time comes, I promise, I won’t go, I won’t go. ...

October 30, 2013  · #141